Av. Paulista, 1313 - 9º Andar - Conjunto 912 (11) 3289-1667 [email protected]


On the rails of development

ABIFER gathers manufacturers of diesel-electric and dieselhydraulic locomotives, freight cars for all purposes, steel mill cars, subway and suburban trains, light rail vehicles (LRV), high speed trains, signaling and telecommunication systems, brakes, coupler systems, doors, pantographs, air conditioning, bogies and their components: wheels, axles, brake shoes and springs, material for track: rail clips, joint bars, turnouts, sleepers and rail welding, in addition to companies specializing in services of engineering, maintenance, refurbishing, adaptation and modernization of railway vehicles.


The Association’s mission is to defend the interests of the Brazilian industry of railroad equipment, components and materials, and contribute to the development of this transportation modal, aiming at its adequacy to Brazil’s real needs.


ABIFER was founded on August 8, 1977 by manufacturers of railway system equipment, aimed at highlighting the importance of the industry and the cargo and passenger rail transportation. It has been in permanent relationship with operators, government authorities and legislators, BNDES (the Brazilian Development Bank), universities and several segments of society.


  • Implementar, em consonância com as concessionárias, programas de inovações tecnológicas para o aprimoramento contínuo dos equipamentos e componentes ferroviários;
  • Atuar junto ao BNDES e outros bancos de fomento, para obter as condições mais favoráveis de financiamento para a aquisição de equipamentos ferroviários, bem como para a sua manutenção e modernização;
  • Promover a intermodalidade, sem perder de vista a necessidade do equilíbrio da matriz brasileira de transporte de cargas, ainda bastante distorcida e desfavorável ao nosso setor;
  • Incentivar a expansão da malha ferroviária, hoje extremamente aquém dos padrões mundiais, promovendo a otimização dos acessos ferroviários aos portos;
  • Apoiar os projetos de implantação do Trem de Alta Velocidade e dos Trens Regionais, com a máxima participação da indústria ferroviária brasileira na sua execução;
  • Colaborar com a EPL (Empresa de Planejamento e Logística), VALEC e DNIT;
  • Defender um fluxo contínuo de investimentos, a médio e longo prazos, para a implantação de uma infraestrutura de transporte de massa que viabilize o desenvolvimento sustentável das principais cidades brasileiras.

Brazilian Railroad Industry

The Brazilian railroad industry is the largest in South America. Besides genuine national companies, leading global companies in the sector have operations in Brazil, with modern manufacturing facilities, using local specialized engineering and workforce.

The competitiveness and quality of the national industry are certified by its long track-record of exports including freight cars, passenger cars, locomotives, components and track materials, competing with renowned international players from five continents.
Technological innovation is one of the major strategic goals in the Brazilian railroad industry. The sector keeps abreast of the world’s technological evolution, ensuring a remarkable presence in the global market. It has a highly skilled technical staff, with resources to develop and absorb all kinds of technology.
By manufacturing all types of freight cars, for transportation of diversified goods such as ore, grain, liquid, steel, and manufactured products in general, through containers, the Brazilian railroad industry develops and supplies specific wagons for whatever application, working in partnership with concessionaires and their users.
AC locomotives of high power classes are produced in Brazil. Cars for subways, suburban trains, LRV, monorails, and signaling systems are also manufactured in Brazil and supplied to national operators to meet their expansion and revitalization projects.
The national industry offers for the cargo and passenger operators services for revitalization, and modernization of railway equipment and their components.


  • To encourage, sponsor and develop studies and research on the interest of rail transportation development;
  • To disseminate information, studies and projects contributing to establish national awareness of the sector needs and potential, as well as its importance for the nation’s economic development;
  • To cooperate with agencies acting in formulation and implementation of transportation programs;
  • To act for the development of the domestic railroad equipment industry;
  • To stimulate the improvement of national railway technology, by means of agreements or exchange programs with public and private universities and research institutions;
  • To propagate the image of the national railway industry in Brazil and abroad;
  • To work toward setting up a government policy for foreign trade;
  • To maintain relations with peer entities or institutions, public and private enterprises, national or international, aimed to cooperate in the development of activities and achievement of ABIFER goals.


O código de conduta ABIFER tem como objetivo estabelecer padrões de conduta que norteiem as atividades da ABIFER junto às suas Associadas e quando as representar junto ao mercado, no sentido de promover todas suas ações de acordo com as leis vigentes e pautadas em padrões éticos e de boa-fé reconhecidos pela sociedade.

Visualizar nosso Código de Conduta